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As the world is constantly empowered with digital disruption, we assist businesses to become a part of this revolution by modernizing your platforms and establishing innovative ways to reach your targets.


Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 is a next-generation Linux distribution released by Alibaba Cloud. It includes advanced features developed by the Linux community, and provides a stable and reliable environment for applications running on the cloud. Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 is deeply optimized based on the Alibaba Cloud infrastructure to provide the best experience for users. You can install Alibaba Cloud Linux 2 on all types of Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, including ECS Bare Metal Instances.



Engaging experiences of customers brings credibility to your brand. Aligning with your vision, YVOLV creates a UX design that attracts, serves and delights your customers. We determine how the user will perceive and interact with your product or service on digital platforms and create user personas.


With data-centric decisions, we help you in creating your business online. We coordinate with you to derive strategies to implement web/mobile solutions to build robust platforms for your business. We build websites, web apps and mobile apps (both for iOS and Android) on cloud with custom design to cater to your business needs. Our team of experts help you innovate your business with tailored technology solutions. Using PHP/MySQL, WordPress, Magento, Joomla, HTML5, Drupal and other digital disruptive technologies, we develop web/apps to streamline your operations digitally.


Digital Transformation is an intricate process and intertwined with multiple digital technologies that are constantly evolving. One wrong move can affect your position in this competitive landscape. YVOLV believes that digital transformation is primary to any business. With thought leaders being involved at every step, we assist businesses to take well-thought, carefully planned initiatives to shoot their products/services globally.


The world is harnessing more sensors, more data and more power every second. We collaborate with businesses to “connect” their idea to the real world. Our IoT professionals help to build a robust ecosystem to connect people, processes and products. Customizing IoT products to your business needs, we, at YVOLV, energize assets to next level. We further drive insights from best practices and involve in building an IoT product that best suits your business.


With the amount of data that organizations produce every day, it is important that the organizations employ data management strategy to enhance the processes. YVOLV enables businesses to make smart decisions when it comes to data management. We implement cost-effective methods to streamline the data to maintain feasibility and availability.

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