How Hybrid Cloud Facilitates Digital Transformation?

Cloud and digital technologies are the two major trends today that are transforming businesses at rapid speed today.

In the last decade, the adoption of cloud has seen an exponential growth. According to Forbes, the cloud market is expected to raise $ 411 billions by 2020. It is not merely a cost-saving IT infrastructure, today it is a viewed as the platform of innovation.

Public cloud and private cloud are the two most common cloud models employed across the globe. In spite of high scalability and reliability, public cloud alone didn’t seem like a right approach for businesses. This is when private clouds have evolved. But, the exorbitant costs involved in it shunned the businesses to look for an alternative that provides the best of both platforms.

The introduction of hybrid cloud opened new avenues for businesses and allowed rapid digital transformation. It has become the core of major operational transformations. A recent research by IDG revealed “hybrid cloud accelerates digital business progress”.

It is also noted in research that 88 percent of the executives answered hybrid cloud is an important facilitator of digital transformation and 79 percent executives saw it channel to drive innovation. It is believed that “hybrid cloud corresponds directly to the top digital business goals”.

Following ways showcase how hybrid cloud allows implementing digital business initiatives faster and simpler.

Most Adaptable Architecture

As many of the enterprises are moving from the traditional legacy systems to cloud. Hybrid cloud provides efficient architecture assessing the underlying needs of the business. It allows the businesses to customize their architecture to guarantee exceptional performance with dedicated servers. Moreover, as hybrid cloud integrates both on-premise with other cloud services, different controls are available on the private cloud and rapid scalability of the public clouds. It supports cloudbusting and tapping on unexpected demands to the public cloud. Hence, increasing the number of opportunities unlike conventional computing architecture or private clouds.

This combined storage models simplify management, increase business agility and consequently improves business efficiency. Moreover, hybrid cloud copies the metadata on private cloud ensuring rapid search capabilities.

Ensure Data Protection

Security is the major concern of businesses in a public cloud. The security may not be as robust as the private cloud, the data is still secured to a certain level. In case businesses demand high-end security levels, hybrid cloud extensions to build a firewall against the data breaches. In addition to this, hybrid model allows migration of data from public to private easily. Hitherto, in case of privacy and integrity concerns, data can be moved to private cloud ensuring control and rapid monitoring.

Exceptional Savings

Hybrid cloud model allows businesses to reduce their IT expenditure. When compared to the costs involved in private clouds, hybrid clouds are less expensive and yet allow businesses to employ their base on the private cloud. It manages effectively the temporary projects and removes the need of additional investments to continue the projects. It permits cost optimization during different stages of application development life cycle.

Moreover, a few hybrid clouds automate the process of moving the unused instances/applications to the public cloud and allowing more usage for security demanding apps.

Improved Time to Market

Hybrid model provides deployment options along with the other storage models. On-premise component, businesses can select different options from zero Capex to other servers running on the own. The storage interface lets businesses to choose the optimal solution. Whether, it on-premise or long-term storage archival, hybrid model presents a set of storage tools and techniques.

On the other hand, disruption is part of the digital transformation. And, businesses are required to change the pattern to keep in pace with the latest trends. Time to reach the market is a crucial step in this process. As the deployment time is reduced significantly, hybrid deployment options allow businesses to reach their customers faster.

Data Compliance

With the new GDPR rules, it is essential that businesses maintain their data sovereignty. The data governance rules play important role in data storage planning. In case of financial which are often subjected to security, governance and compliance, there are rigid rules only a part of it can be moved to cloud. In other cases, IDG research claimed that half of the executives limited their data moving into cloud premises. Hybrid cloud model gives businesses flexibility to maintain their internal and external policies as when required. Multiple instances on the hybrid cloud can be tailored according to the data protection rules.

Hybrid cloud offers the best of both public and private cloud ensuring agility, elasticity and security at lower costs. With this businesses can acquire a platform to experiment, explore and innovate and reach the customers faster. It also allows aligns with changing market dynamics to be a part of the highly competitive digital landscape.

Transitioning from a traditional IT set up to rapid digital and cloud environment, is not a small undertaking. Talk to our executives to ease up your process.

Author: Super_Admin

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